Templating mock responses


Whilst we deeply think that “real-world” static values for request/response samples are crucial in order to fully understand the business usages and expectations of an API, we have to admit that it is more than often useful to introduce some kind of dynamically generated content for response.

Those use-case encompass:

  • random numbers that may be defined in a range,
  • today’s date or today’s + an amount of time (for validity date for example),
  • response part expressed from request part (body part, header, query param)

Thus, we introduced in Microcks 0.9.0 version some templating features allowing to specify dynamic parts in response content.

Tell me more!

Let’s introduc this new feature with an example: a simple Hello API that takes a JSON payload as request payload and that return a Greeting response including: the id of message, the date of message generation and the message content itself that is just saying Hello !.

You can find the OpenAPI v3 contract of this API here and here’s below the result once imported into Microcks.


You’ll notice that response payload is expressed using some templating mustaches ({{ and }}) that indicates here that Microcks should recognize the delimited expression and replace it with new values.

When invoked twice with different params at different dates, here are the results:

$ curl -XGET http://microcks.example.com/rest/Hello+Dynamic+API/1.0.0/hello -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "World"}' -s | jq .
  "id": "pQnDIytzeYJFLxaQg56yObw0WTpYNBMjPYu7FLBoNSGF6ZJsTcHov5ZmaiWG8Gt8",
  "date": "10/02/2020",
  "message": "Hello World!"

# Wait for a day...
$ curl -XGET http://microcks.example.com/rest/Hello+Dynamic+API/1.0.0/hello -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Laurent"}' -s | jq .
  "id": "Hn9lUKkzYsvQq98wDEHa7Ln3H4eVfnfpJLLPPe4ns9vBgaTRvblOOBHIVq3BluEC",
  "date": "11/02/2020",
  "message": "Hello Laurent!"

Here we are: 1 sample definition but dynamic content generated on purpose!

Few concepts

Let explain the few concepts behind Microcks templating features. These are really simple and straightforward:

  • An expression should be delimited by mustaches like this: {{ expression }}. This pattern can be included in any textual representation of your response body content: plain text, JSON, XML, whatever… Microcks will just replace this pattern by its evaluated content or null if evaluation fail for any reason,
  • An expression can be a reference to a context variable. In this case, we use a . notation to tell which property of this variable we refer to. Built-in contextual informations are attached to variable named request so we may use expression like request.body for example,
  • An expression can also be a function evaluation. In this case, we use a () notation to indicate the function name and its arguments. For example we use randomString(64) to evaluate the random string generation function with one arg being 64 (the length of the desired string),
  • Starting with Microcks 1.7.0, an expression may also include > redirect character so that result from a first evaluation is injected as an extra argument on the next function. For example, you may use uuid() > put(myId). So that result from uuid() function is printed out and also injected as second argument of the put() function so that this is will be stored within the myId context variable,

Pretty easy. No? The rest of this page presents the reference of available variable and function expressions.

Variable Reference Expressions

Simple, array and map

The request object is a simple bean of class EvaluableRequest that contains 4 properties of different types. Properties can be simply evaluated using the . notation to navigate to their value:

  • body is a string property representing request payload,
  • path is a string array property representing the sequence of path elements in URI,
  • params is a map of string:string representing the request query parameters,
  • headers is a map of string:string representing the request headers.

Now let’s imagine the following request coming onto a Microcks endpoint for Hello API version 1.0:

$ curl -XGET http://microcks.example.com/rest/Hello+API/1.0/hello/microcksd?locale=US -H 'trace: azertyuiop' -d 'rocks'

Here’s how the different expressions will be evaluated:

Expression  Evaluation Result
 request.body  rocks
request.path[1]  microcks
request.params[locale]  US
request.headers[trace]  azertyuiop

JSON body Pointer expression

In the case where request payload body can be interpreted as JSON, Microcks has also the capability of defining template expressions that will analyse this structured content and pick some elements for rendering.

Imagine our API deal with library and may receive this kind of request body payload:

  "library": "My Personal Library",
  "books": [
    { "title":"Title 1", "author":"Jane Doe" },
    { "title":"Title 2", "author":"John Doe" }

Using Microcks we can just append a JSON Pointer expression to request.body element in order to ask for a deeper parsing and evaluation. The JSON Pointer part should be expressed just after a starting / indicating we’re navigating into a sub-query. Here’s a bunch of examples on previous library case and how they’ll be rendered:

Expression  Evaluation Result  Comment
request.body/library My Personal Library
request.body/library/books/1/author John Doe  JSON Pointer array index starting at 0

XML body XPath expression

In the case where request payload body can be interpreted as XML, Microcks has also the capability of defining template expressions too!

Imagine our API deal with library and may receive this kind of request body payload:

  <name>My Personal Library</name>
    <book><title>Title 1</title><author>Jane Doe</author></book>
    <book><title>Title 2</title><author>John Doe</author></book>

Analogous to JSON payload, we can just append a XPath expression to request.body element to ask for deeper parsing and evaluation. Here’s a bunch of examples on previous library case and how they’ll be rendered:

Expression  Evaluation Result  Comment
request.body/library/name My Personal Library
request.body//name My Personal Library Use wilcard form. // means “any path”
request.body/library/books/book[1]/author  Jane Doe  Take care of XPath array index starting at 1 ;-)

In the case you’re dealing with namespaced XML or SOAP request, Microcks does not support namespaced for now but the relaxed local-name() XPath expression allowed you to workaround this limitation. If we get a namespaced version of our XML payload:

<ns:library xmlns:ns="https://microcks.io">
  <ns:name>My Personal Library</ns:name>
    <ns:book><ns:title>Title 1</ns:title><ns:author>Jane Doe</ns:author></ns:book>
    <ns:book><ns:title>Title 2</ns:title><ns:author>John Doe</ns:author></ns:book>

We can adapt the XPath expression to ignore namespaces prefix:

Expression  Evaluation Result  Comment
request.body//*[local-name() = 'name'] My Personal Library Ignore namespaces and use local tag names

Context expression

Aside the request object that is automatically injected, you have access to mock-request wide context. You can inject custom variables into this context using the SCRIPT dispatcher through the requestContext object (see the documentation) or by using the put(myVarible) function with redirect expression as detailed below.

Variables from context can be simply used in templates using their name within the template mustaches markers like this {{ myVarible }}

Function Expressions

From the Microcks 1.2.0 version, we introduced notation compatibility with Postman Dynamic variables. So that you can reuse your existing response expressed within Postman Collection. The only limitation being that Postman dynamic variables cannot handle arguments passing so functions will always be invoked without arguments.

So basically, a function expression can be materialized with the Microcks notation function(arg1, arg2) OR the Postman notation $function.

Common functions

Put in context

The put() function allows to store result into the mock-request wide context using a variable name. Result is acquired from a > redirect expression as the previous function invocation result. It has a mandatory argument that is the variable name used for storing into context.

uuid() > put(myId) // 3a721b7f-7dc9-4c45-9777-516942b98e0d WITH this id stored in myId variable.
// Can be reused later in template using {{ myId }}.

Date generator

The now() function allows to generate current date. It can also be invoked using the timestamp() alias.

Invoked with no argument, it’s a simple mong timestamp since EPOCH beginning. This function can also be invoked with one argument being the pattern to use for rendering current’s date as string. The Java date and time patterns are use as referenced.

It can also be called with a second argument representing an amount of time to add to current date before rendering string representation. It does not support composite ammount for the moment. Think of it as a commodity for generating expiry or validity dates 😉 Here are some examples below:

now() // 1581425292309
now(dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss) // 11/02/2020 13:48:12
now(dd/MM/yyyy, 1M) // 11/03/2020
$now  // 1581425292309
$timestamp  // 1581425292309

UUID generator

The uuid() function allows to simply generate a UUID compliant with RFC 4122 (see https://www.cryptosys.net/pki/uuid-rfc4122.html). It can also be invoked using the guid() or randomUUID().

uuid() // 3F897E85-62CE-4B2C-A957-FCF0CCE649FD
guid() // 3a721b7f-7dc9-4c45-9777-516942b98e0d
$randomUUID // 6929bb52-3ab2-448a-9796-d6480ecad36b

Random Integer generator

The randomInt() function allows to generate a random integer.

When called with no argument, the value span between -65635 and 65635. You can specify an argument to force the generation of a positive integer that is less or equals this argument.

Finally, it can be invoked with a second argument thus defining a range for the integer to be generated. Here’s some examples below:

randomInt() // -5239
randomInt(32) // 27
randomInt(25, 50) // 43

Random String generator

The randomString() function simply generates a random alphanumeric string. The default length when called by no argument is 32 charracters. One can specify a integer argument to force string length to desired lentgh. Here’s some examples below:

randomString() // kYM8nSjEdLfgKOGG1dfacro2IUmuuan
randomString(64) // VclBAQiNAybe0B5IrXjGqOChQNDFdoTguf5jWn2tqRNfptWSYFy7yxdpxoNIGOpC

Random Value generator

The randomValue() function simply generates a random string among provided values specified as arguments. Here’s some examples below:

randomValue(foo, bar) // foo OR bar
randomValue(apple, orange, grape, pear) // apple, orange, grape OR pear

Random Boolean generator

The randomBoolean() function simply generates a random boolean. Here’s some examples below:

randomBoolean() // true
$randomBoolean  // false

The names related functions are using the Faker library to generate fake data from a library of common names and related.

First name generator

The randomFirstName() function allows to generate random person first name.

randomFirstName() // Samantha
$randomFirstName  // Chandler

Last name generator

The randomLastName() function allows to generate random person last name.

randomLastName() // Schneider
$randomLastName  // Williams

Full name generator

The randomFullName() function allows to generate random person full name.

randomFullName() // Sylvan Fay
$randomFullName  // Jonathon Kunze

Name prefix generator

The randomNamePrefix() function allows to generate random person name prefix.

randomNamePrefix() // Ms.
$randomNamePrefix  // Dr.

Name suffix generator

The randomNameSuffix() function allows to generate random person name prefix.

randomNameSuffix() // MD
$randomNameSuffix  // DDS

The address related functions are using the Faker library to generate fake data from a library of common address and related.

Phone number generator

The randomPhoneNumber() function allows to generate random 10-digit phone numbers.

randomPhoneNumber() // 494-261-3424
$randomPhoneNumber  // 662-302-7817

City generator

The randomCity() function allows to generate random city name.

randomCity() // Paris
$randomCity  // Boston

Street Name generator

The randomStreetName() function allows to generate random street name.

randomStreetName() // General Street
$randomStreetName  // Kendrick Springs

Street Address generator

The randomStreetAddress() function allows to generate random street address.

randomStreetAddress() // 5742 Harvey Streets
$randomStreetAddress  // 47906 Wilmer Orchard

Country generator

The randomCountry() function allows to generate random country name.

randomCountry() // Kazakhstan
$randomCountry  // Austria

Country code generator

The randomCountryCode() function allows to generate random 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

randomCountryCode() // CV
$randomCountryCode  // MD

Latitude generator

The randomLatitude() function allows to generate random latitude coordinate.

randomLatitude() // 27.3644
$randomLatitude  // 55.2099

Longitude generator

The randomLongitude() function allows to generate random longitude coordinate.

randomLongitude() // 40.6609
$randomLongitude  // 171.7139

The address related functions are using the Faker library to generate fake data from a library of common domains, emails and related.

Email generator

The randomEmail() function allows to generate random email address.

randomEmail() // ruthe42@hotmail.com
$randomEmail  // iva.kovacek61@hotmail.com
“Templating mock responses” was last updated: December 27, 2022
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