Please feel free to borrow these!
Here are the offcial Microcks logos registered by the CNCF.
The Linux Foundation® (TLF) has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of TLF trademarks, see Trademark Usage. Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Sandbox project 🚀
Simple logo, blue and light variants with transparent background:
Simple logo with name stacked, blue and light variants with transparent background:
Horizontal logo with name, blue and light variants with transparent background:
Horizontal logo with baseline, blue and light variants with transparent background:
Horizontal logo with color baseline and tweeter handle, blue and light variants with transparent background:
Please be kind! Do’s
✅ Use the Microcks logo to link to
✅ Use the Microcks logo to advertise that your product has support for Microcks
✅ Use the Microcks logo in a blog post or news article about Microcks
❌ Use the Microcks logo for your application’s icon
❌ Create a modified version of the Microcks logo
❌ Integrate the Microcks logo into your logo
❌ Change the Microcks logo’s colors or aspect ratio