
Events & Past Recordings

Discover more about Microcks by participating in our upcoming events or watch our past recordings:

🗓️ Events

We actively participate in events worldwide and announce our presence on social networks, especially LinkedIn, so follow us ( to stay connected with the Microcks community. If you’re an event organizer or CNCF ambassador, feel free to invite us for talks, demos, or workshops—we’re passionate about learning and sharing!

⏯️ Past Recordings

Explore Microcks’ archive of past event recordings, podcasts, articles, and informative resources!

Remember to follow and subscribe to the Microcks YouTube channel 👇

Must-(re)watch for tech enthusiasts, developers, and anyone interested in streamlining API delivery processes.

  • Live stream recording with Josh Long, Microcks Reloaded: Spring AOT and Testcontainers support.
  • Live stream recording with Josh Long, Microcks: Open source Kubernetes Native tool for API Mocking and Testing 👀
  • Demo from Dale Lane: (Chief Architect, IBM Event Automation), Using AsyncAPI to generate a mock stream of Kafka events with Microcks.
  • AsyncAPI Conf India 2023, Elevating Event-Driven Architecture: Boost your delivery with AsyncAPI and Microcks.
  • AsyncAPI Conf 2022, AsyncAPI Recipes for EDA Gourmet.
  • AsyncAPI Conf 2021, AsyncAPI or CloudEvents? Both my Captain!
  • OpenShift Coffee Break, Microcks: API testing into a microservices world.
  • (🇫🇷) CloudNord Octobre 2021, Accélérer votre adoption EDA avec AsyncAPI & Microcks.
  • Barcelona JUG April 2021, Web API Contract First: design, mock and test.
  • Apidays Paris 2020, Speed-Up Kafka delivery with AsyncAPI & Microcks.
  • (🇫🇷) OpenShift Meetup Février 2020, Accélérer votre initiative OpenBanking APIs avec Microcks.
  • (🇫🇷) Devoxx France 2019, Une API, de l’idée à la production, en mode agile avec Red Hat!
Podcasts 👂
Articles 📖
  • An API Journey, from Mock to Deployment!