
Events & Past Recordings

Discover more about Microcks by participating in our upcoming events or watch our past recordings:

🗓️ Events

We actively participate in events worldwide and announce our presence on social networks, especially LinkedIn, so follow us on LinkedIn to stay connected with the Microcks community. If you’re an event organizer or CNCF ambassador, feel free to invite us for talks, demos, or workshops—we’re passionate about learning and sharing!

⏯️ Past Recordings

Explore Microcks’ archive of past event recordings, podcasts, articles, and informative resources!

Remember to follow and subscribe to the Microcks YouTube channel 👇

Must-(re)watch for tech enthusiasts, developers, and anyone interested in streamlining API delivery processes.

  • Live stream recording with Josh Long, Microcks Reloaded: Spring AOT and Testcontainers support.

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  • Live stream recording with Josh Long, Microcks: Open source Kubernetes Native tool for API Mocking and Testing 👀

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  • Demo from Dale Lane: (Chief Architect, IBM Event Automation), Using AsyncAPI to generate a mock stream of Kafka events with Microcks.

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  • AsyncAPI Conf India 2023, Elevating Event-Driven Architecture: Boost your delivery with AsyncAPI and Microcks.

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  • AsyncAPI Conf 2022, AsyncAPI Recipes for EDA Gourmet.

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  • AsyncAPI Conf 2021, AsyncAPI or CloudEvents? Both my Captain!

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  • OpenShift Coffee Break, Microcks: API testing into a microservices world.

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  • (🇫🇷) CloudNord Octobre 2021, Accélérer votre adoption EDA avec AsyncAPI & Microcks.

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  • Barcelona JUG April 2021, Web API Contract First: design, mock and test.

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  • Apidays Paris 2020, Speed-Up Kafka delivery with AsyncAPI & Microcks.

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  • (🇫🇷) OpenShift Meetup Février 2020, Accélérer votre initiative OpenBanking APIs avec Microcks.

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  • (🇫🇷) Devoxx France 2019, Une API, de l’idée à la production, en mode agile avec Red Hat!

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Podcasts 👂
Articles 📖
  • An API Journey, from Mock to Deployment!

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