
Using podman-compose

🗓️ Last updated on June 21, 2023 | 3 | Improve this page

Podman Compose is a tool for easily testing and running multi-container applications. Microcks offers a simple way to set up the minimal required containers to have a functional environment on your local computer. This procedure has been successfully tested with Podman 2.1.1 onto Fedora 33+ and should be OK on CentOS Stream 8+ and RHEL 8+ distributions too.


To get started, make sure you first have the Podman and the Podman Compose packages installed on your system.

Then, in your terminal issue the following commands:

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone --depth 10
  2. Change to the install folder

    cd microcks/install/podman-compose
  3. Spin up the containers in rootless mode using our utility script:

    $ ./
    On macos, need to get the userid and groupid from postman machine.
    Assuming this machine is named 'podman-machine-default'. Change name in script otherwise.
    Starting Microcks using podman-compose ...
    Stop it with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' stop
    Re-launch it with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' start
    Clean everything with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' down
    Go to https://localhost:8080 - first login with admin/microcks123
    Having issues? Check you have changed microcks.yml to your platform
    podman-compose -f microcks.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' up -d

This will start the required containers and setup a simple environment for your usage.

Open a new browser tab and point to the http://localhost:8080 endpoint. This will redirect you to the Keycloak Single Sign On page for login. Use the following default credentials to login into the application:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: microcks123

You will be redirected to the main dashboard page. You can now start using Microcks .

Enabling Asynchronous API features

Support for Asynchronous API features of Microcks are not enabled by default. If you feel your local machine has enough resources to afford it, you can enable them using a slightly different command line.

In your terminal use the following command instead:

$ ./ async

On macos, need to get the userid and groupid from postman machine.
Assuming this machine is named 'podman-machine-default'. Change name in script otherwise.

Starting Microcks using podman-compose ...
Stop it with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml -f microcks-template-async-addon.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' stop
Re-launch it with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml -f microcks-template-async-addon.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' start
Clean everything with: podman-compose -f microcks.yml -f microcks-template-async-addon.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' down
Go to https://localhost:8080 - first login with admin/microcks123
Having issues? Check you have changed microcks.yml to your platform

podman-compose -f microcks.yml -f microcks-template-async-addon.yml --podman-run-args='--userns=keep-id:uid=501,gid=1000' up -d

Podman compose is now launching additional containers, namely zookeeper, kafka and the microcks-async-minion.

You may want to check our blog post for a detailed walkthrough on starting Async features on docker-compose (Podman compose is very similar).

Un-authenticated mode

A “keycloakless” version of docker compose is available thanks to:

$ ./ dev

This configuration enabled Asynchronous API features in a very lightweight mode using Red Panda broker instead of full-blown Apache Kafka distribution.

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