🗓️ June 27, 2023 | 3

Microcks Joining CNCF as a Sandbox Project 🎉

We are excited to announce that Microcks, the open-source API mocking and testing project, has been accepted as a Sandbox project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF ).


We thank the CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) members for their validation and the TAG App Delivery team for their invaluable support during this process 🙏 Josh Gavant , Abigail (Abby) Bangser , Scott Rigby , Colin Griffin

👉 See our submission form and information for the full details.

As a Sandbox project within the CNCF, Microcks gains a significant milestone in its journey. This recognition by the CNCF, a prominent organization driving the adoption and standardization of cloud-native technologies, is a testament to Microcks’ potential to contribute to the cloud-native ecosystem.e

Joining the CNCF will provide Microcks with an enhanced platform for collaboration and innovation. It opens up opportunities to engage with a diverse community of developers, organizations, and industry experts at the forefront of cloud-native technologies. We look forward to collaborating even more with other CNCF projects , contributing our technical expertise, and exploring integration possibilities.

We want to express our gratitude to our vibrant community who have worked tirelessly to make Microcks a thriving project. Their passion, expertise, and unwavering commitment to the open source principles have driven Microcks’ growth and helped it reach this significant milestone.

Thanks to the Postman board Abhinav Asthana and Ankit Sobti for their trust and the opportunity to join the talented Postman Open Technologies team and its office led by Jan Schenk .

A special kudos to Kin Lane , as nothing could have been possible without your visionary, always curious , and disruptive approach to bringing Microcks on board .

🎂 Happy birthday, Kin. This achievement is the best present 🎁 we can offer you to thank you for what you have done and for who you are 🙌

We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Microcks as a CNCF Sandbox project. This is a fantastic community momentum, but we know it is the beginning of our level-up and the starting point of our CNCF collaboration to establish an even more robust open governance model. We are confident that this association will further accelerate the development, adoption, and impact of Microcks within the cloud-native ecosystem and are happy to welcome a diversity of contributors (new organizations and individual contributors).

For more information about Microcks and our participation in the CNCF, please visit and join the community (a GitHub ⭐️ on the project is always appreciated or you can add yourself to our growing adopters list ).

Thanks for reading and supporting us! ❤️

Yacine Kheddache

Yacine Kheddache

Co-founder of Microcks | Director of Product Strategy & Innovation at Postman Open Technologies

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